Your Path to Inner Peace, Empowerment, and Authentic Connection

Guided by Tisha Weber, BEautifully Unwinding® offers workshops, a podcast, and resources to help you reconnect with your sacred feminine essence, embrace holistic self-care, and cultivate a life grounded in peace and self-trust.

  • Sacred Portals

    A 7-week virtual, live experience where you will be gently guided through practices to connect with the Sacred through your Feminine Portals.

    Join the Waitlist 
  • The Sunrise Challenge: 30 Days of Sacred Connection

    A grounding 30-day journey to reconnect with nature’s rhythms, starting with a live meditation and daily sunrise practice.

    Register Now 
  • Listen to the Podcast

    This is a podcast about self discovery and holistic healing, shifting our nervous systems from surviving to thriving.

    Listen Now 
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a note from Tisha

I’m Tisha Weber, a soul on a journey of unwinding who I have been conditioned to be and reconnecting to my truth, pleasure, and peace from the inside out.

I welcome and embrace the dance between radical responsibility and infinite possibilities, allowing the divine feminine to live, breathe, and move through me authentically.

Through my struggles and triumphs, I have learned the transformative power of slowing down, listening to my inner voice, and embracing discomfort with compassion and curiosity.

Tisha is an experienced leader with clear, concise

I am the beloved I am my beloved.
I hold myself in love, love holds me in love. 
I birth myself, I am birthed. 
I am infinite, I am finite. 
I am all, I am nothing. I am body, I am soul. I am matter,
I am spirit, I am the both and, I am the all, I am no one, I am everyone,
I am one, I am the spiral, I am the circle, I am the infinite, I am the finite, I am source,
I am light, I am love, I am that I am, I am.

Sarah (Written from a transmission that came through while being held in this sacred space).